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Kaizen integrated batch for IAS and RAS Course
Many of you may have the desire of becoming an IAS officer in your first attempt, which would be at age 21 or 22 Samyak IAS has therefore begun a three-year foundation course for 12th pass students. Along with helping students earn their undergraduate degree, this course's goal is to get them ready for the UPSC (IAS) and RPSC (RAS) Civil Services Exam. Students in the Foundation Course earn both an academic degree and prepare for the Civil Services Exam over the course of three years.
In the 3 Year duration, both the IAS and RAS preparation and Graduation is completed by the student. In such situation, student successfully becomes IAS/RAS at the age of 21 in their first attempt itself. In the Civil Services Exam 2021, many Students succeeded in becoming IAS as soon as they passed the graduation and CSE at the age of 21 in their first attempt from Samyak IAS. The Samyak IAS 3 Year Foundation Course has been analyzed in such a way that the students can prepare from the primary foundation level in Hindi or English language in such a way that they can also pursue academic degree.
The Kaizen integrated (IAS & RAS) batch is specially designed for students wanting to prepare for UPSC CSE and going for undergraduate college after 12th. The students should have deep knowledge, conceptual clarity, analytical skills, and excellent answer writing skills. For this, there should be better preparation for GS. So for GS preparation nothing can be better than starting with NCERT based syllabus. Analytical study of NCERT based syllabus will not lay a strong foundation for IAS and RAS but will also help in many other GS based exams. NCERT books are good source to build the base of GS.
It not only offers comprehensive information in simple language but also aids in the development of fundamental concepts.
As a result, NCERT-based GS preparation will be finished in the first year together with fundamental topics.
Samyak IAS has created GS Books based on NCERT specifically for this. Therefore, throughout their preparation with coaching courses in the first year, students are given GS notes and the gist of NCERT books..
Under 3 year KAIZEN Course, 4 Hours per day classes are conducted on daily basis (Monday to Friday) in the first year. Comprehensive preparation for GS Pre-cum-Mains is done by India's Top Teaching Faculty and Best Mentors. Subject sequence wise and systematic study is done every day.
Every day, following a two-hour lecture, a one-on-one doubt-clearing session is offered to each student. During the doubt-clearing session, students can openly discuss any issue, particularly one that is academic in nature, with faculty members.
Every Saturday, the General Studies KAIZEN Batch takes a two-hour topic-based test. A thorough explanation is provided for the weekend test. The test serves as the weekly General Studies review.
After completing NCERTs and basic subjects in the first year, we will try to give maximum coverage of IAS and RAS syllabus. We will take up many other important resources like Yojana, Kurukshetra and The Hindu News Paper. In this year, the students will be able to hold strong conceptual and analytical grasp over the maximum subjects. We will try to cover the static part of GS as well as the dynamic part.
We will also conduct weekly Current Affairs classes with various subjects of General Studies.
The revision of General Studies is also done in forms of Class Tests and Class Assignments.
Every Friday and Saturday There will be special classes of Current Affairs. Analysis of Government Magazine i.e. Yojana, Kurukshetra and News Papers Indian Express, The Hindu, are done in Current Affairs. Conceptual and analytical classes on current affairs are conducted according to the dynamic part of GS.
Under the 3 year foundation course in the second year on a daily basis (Monday to Friday) 4 to 6 hours classes are conducted. Focus is on conceptual clarity and maximum coverage of Syllabus as per UPSC CSE and RAS in classes. Classes are conducted with current based approach. Pre and Mains level is taught in an integrated approach as per IAS and RAS syllabus and demand of the exams.
In the second year, topic wise tests are. The discussion of the weekly test is done by the faculties. In the weekly test, the static part of GS as well as the dynamic part related to Current Affairs is asked to facilitate revision. Weekly topic wise 2 hours test is conducted on every Monday. Our teachers also give Class Assignments in form of Questions so as to keep on revising the subjects.
After revising the NCERT-based GS and completing the GS standard preparation, the students are required to thoroughly prepare the dynamic portion of GS, current affairs in accordance with the UPSC Exam, in this third and final phase.
Samyak IAS offered 10 to 15 Pages of General Studies current events assignments each day as a practice for current affairs. On every Saturday, 4 hours of concurrent current affairs analysis classes are held for dynamic preparation. Yojana and Kurukshetra, two publications published by the Government of India's Publication Division, specifically analyze the GS Mains.
All India test series for the optional subject mains, general studies mains, and general studies prelims are conducted in the third phase. The entire UPSC Pattern is followed for administering the General Studies Mains test series. Where test series are used to revise the entire curriculum. The top rank IAS selected for the Test Series prepares the model response. This student finished his preparation for the UPSC Civil Services Exam by studying for the GS Prelims and GS Mains, optional topics, and current events.