Subejct-Environment and Ecology
Q. Discuss the increasing threat of forest fires in India, highlighting their causes, consequences, and the limitations of existing policies.
प्रश्न: भारत में वनाग्नि के बढ़ते खतरे पर चर्चा करें, उनके कारणों, परिणामों और मौजूदा नीतियों की सीमाओं पर भी प्रकाश डालें।
- Define forest fires as uncontrolled fires in forests, grasslands, and vegetation areas.
- Mention the increasing frequency and intensity of forest fires in India due to climate change and human activities.
- Causes of Forest Fires in India
- Consequences of Forest Fires
- Limitations of Existing Policies
- Summarize the urgent need for proactive and integrated forest fire management.
- Highlight the role of technological advancements, policy reforms, and community participation in mitigating the increasing threat of forest fires.