Formulate policy to manage sacred groves, Supreme Court tells government - The Hindu
In a judgment recently, the Supreme Court told the Union government to create a comprehensive policy for the management of sacred groves across the country.
Sacred Groves
- Definition: Small forest patches protected by local communities for religious and cultural reasons.
- Significance: Serve as biodiversity hotspots and spiritual sanctuaries.
- Features:
- No hunting and deforestation allowed.
- Allow sustainable activities like honey collection and gathering deadwood.
- Distribution in India: Western Ghats, Himalayas, Northeastern hill tracts, Central India
- Regional Names
- Bihar: Sarna
- Himachal Pradesh: Dev Van
- Karnataka: Devarakadu
- Kerala: Kavu or Sarpa Kavu
- Maharashtra: Devrai or Deorai
- Meghalaya: Law Kyntang or Asong Khosi
- Rajasthan: Oran
- Success story: Piplantri Village, Rajasthan - Plants 111 trees for every girl child born.
- Benefits: Enhanced income, reduced female foeticide, empowered women’s self-help groups.
World Affairs
India and France sign MoU for new National Museum - The Hindu
India and France recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the development of the new National Museum, on the lines of the Louvre in Paris, at the historic North Block and South Block in the national capital. The museum, named Yuga Yugeen Bharat, when completed would be the largest in the world.
Yuga Yugeen Bharat Museum
- Agreement: Herve Barbaret (France Museums) and B.R. Mani (National Museum of India).
- Vision: Remaking Bharat through transformation of South and North Blocks into museums.
- Significance: Represents international and cultural collaboration, highlighting soft power.
- Collaboration: Leverages France’s expertise in adaptive reuse (e.g., Louvre, Grand Palais).
Government to reexamine ‘unusual’ gold import surge amid indications of double-counting - Indian Express
The Union government has begun a “detailed examination of gold import data” a day after official trade figures showed that India’s gold imports in November surged threefold to an all-time high of $14.8 billion compared to the previous year.
Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S)
- Role: Collects, compiles, and disseminates India’s trade statistics and commercial information.
- Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
- Headquarters: Kolkata.
- Establishment: 1862 as a statistical branch under the Finance Department.
- First DG: Sir William W. Hunter (1871).
- Functions:
- Trade Data: Collects, compiles, and publishes trade statistics.
- Export & Import Data: Nodal agency for processing export and import data.
- Inland Trade: Publishes statistics on inter-state goods movement via rail, river, and air annually.
- Leader: Director General (Additional Secretary-level officer of the Indian Statistical Service (ISS)).
Scientists develop ‘kisan kavach’ to shield farmers from pesticide sprays - The Hindu
Akin to the protective PPE kits that health workers don, scientists affiliated to the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) have developed an ‘anti-pesticide’ suit called Kisan Kavach.
Kisan Kavach
- Purpose: First anti-pesticide bodysuit to protect farmers from pesticide exposure.
- Development: BRIC-inStem, Bangalore, in collaboration with Sepio Health Pvt. Ltd.
- Components: Trouser, pullover, and face-cover made of 'oxime fabric'.
- Functionality:
- Breaks down pesticides through nucleophilic hydrolysis.
- Prevents chemicals from leaching into the skin.
- Durability: Effective across temperature ranges, UV exposure, and up to 150 washes.
- Price: ₹4,000 per kit.
Spot-billed pelican - The Hindu
- Scientific Name: Pelecanus philippensis.
- Physical Features: Small pelicans; grey dorsal, white ventral; long brown-grey crest; orange-yellow eye-ring and facial skin, with purple near the eyes.
- Social Nature: Lives and travels in flocks.
- Abilities: Strong flyers, swimmers, and capable of hunting large fish.
- Diet: Primarily fish, with occasional reptiles, amphibians, and crustaceans.
- Habitat: Lowland freshwater, brackish, and marine wetlands near open water.
- Distribution: Majorly India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Sumatra.
- IUCN Status: Near Threatened.

Science and Technology
Never events: unacceptable failures in implementing patient safety protocol - The Hindu
Never events as a term was introduced in 2002 by the National Quality Forum (NQF) in the United States. It has since been adopted in the Western world, particularly in countries like the U.S., U.K., and Canada, and they maintain a list of never events. They highlight the importance of preventing harm by strict adherence to a safety regime.
Never Events in Healthcare
- Concept: Serious, preventable incidents in healthcare due to lapses in safety protocols.
- Introduction: In 2002 by the National Quality Forum (NQF), U.S.
- Adoption: Widely recognized in the U.S., U.K., and Canada, with maintained lists of never events.
- Impact: Leads to disability, death, or significant discomfort.
- Challenges:
- Lack of Universal Definition
- Systemic Complexities
Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) - The Hindu
Nearly 15 years after it was launched, all 17,130 police stations in the country have been linked through the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS).
Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS)
- Launch: 2009 under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Budget: ₹2,000 crore under the National e-Governance Plan.
- Objective: Improve efficiency and transparency in police operations.
- Category: Mission Mode Project (MMP).
- Key Features
- Nationwide Integration: Achieved 100% deployment, including remote areas.
- Comprehensive Database: Records of accused persons, habitual offenders, proclaimed offenders, missing persons, and stolen vehicles.
- Analytical Tools: Generates crime statistics and reports for station-level analysis.
- Citizen Services: Enables complaint tracking, verification requests, and case updates.
- Enhanced Scope: Linked with the Integrated Criminal Justice System (ICJS).