Daily Current Affairs- Current Nama 12 November 2024


Art and Culture 

Totos are fighting for survival - The Hindu 

Bakul Toto has been fighting a battle for his rare tribe for several years since he realised that his community might be relegated to the pages of history if no steps are taken soon.


World Affairs 

China sets baselines for contested Scarborough shoal amid dispute with Philippines - Indian Express 

In a move that’s likely to increase tensions over overlapping territorial claims, China has released geographic coordinates marking baselines around the contested Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea.

Scarborough Shoal

  • Description: Oceanic coral atoll with a triangular shape, developed on a seamount in the eastern South China Sea.
  • Location: Approximately 220 km west of Luzon Island, Philippines.
  • Geography: Largest atoll in the South China Sea; mostly submerged at high tide, extending 18 km northwest-southeast and 10 km northeast-southwest.
  • Marine Life: Rich fishing area with diverse marine life, including commercially valuable shellfish and sea cucumbers.
  • Disputed Claims: Claimed by both China and the Philippines.
    • China: Calls it Huangyan Island, citing historical ownership since the Yuan Dynasty.
    • Philippines: Cites proximity to Luzon and inclusion within its 200-nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone under UNCLOS.
  • Control: China has maintained coast guard presence since 2012, with no structures built on the shoal.


Canada shuts visa fast track: options for Indian students - Indian Express 

Canada announced the closure of its Student Direct Stream (SDS) program for students from 14 countries, including India, China and Pakistan, effective November 9 onwards. Some concerns have been raised about the prospects of Indian students who hoped to benefit from the program.


Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary - The Hindu 

A highly decomposed carcass of an elephant was discovered on Saturday morning in the Khanapara range of the Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary, highlighting serious concerns over the Forest Department's monitoring and management practices in the protected area.

Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary

  • Location: Assam

  • Composition: Includes three reserve forests—Khanapara, Amchang, and South Amchang
  • Geography: Extends from the Brahmaputra River in the north to the hilly forests of Meghalaya in the south, forming a continuous forest belt through Maradakdola Reserve Forests in Meghalaya
  • Forest Types:
    • Khasi Hill Sal Forests
    • East Himalayan Mixed Deciduous Forest
    • Eastern Alluvial Secondary Semi-evergreen Forests
    • East Himalayan Sal Forests
  • Mammals: Flying fox, Slow loris, Assamese macaque, Rhesus macaque, Hoolock gibbon, Porcupine
  • Birds: White-backed Vulture, Slender-billed Vulture
  • Insects: Tree yellow butterflies (Gancana harina), native to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and northeast India


Hokersar wetland - Indian Express 

Lack of water due to excess deficit rainfall at the Hokersar wetland in the Kashmir Valley in recent years has impacted the arrival of migratory bird populations in the region.

Hokersar Wetland

  • Location: Known as the "Queen Wetland of Kashmir," located in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; designated Ramsar site.

  • Geography: Natural perennial wetland connected to the Jhelum basin, receiving water from the Doodhganga River (Jhelum tributary).

  • Biogeographic Province: Positioned in the northwest Himalayan region, behind the snow-covered Pir Panchal range.

  • Unique Feature: Only site in Kashmir with remaining reedbeds.

  • Waterfowl Species: Habitat for 68 species, including:

  • Large Egret, Great Crested Grebe, Little Cormorant

  • Common Shelduck, Tufted Duck

  • Endangered White-eyed Pochard

  • Ecological Importance: Provides food, spawning grounds, and nursery areas for fish; also serves as a feeding and breeding habitat for various water birds.


Anger mounts in Rajasthan district over pollution in river Sutlej, local leaders say Punjab’s industries to blame - Indian Express

Several markets around Sri Ganganagar district remained closed Saturday as local residents held protests against alleged pollution in the river Sutlej, which they blame on factories in the neighbouring Punjab.

Sutlej River

  • Significance: Longest of the five tributaries of the Indus River; also known as "Satadree."
  • Location: Primarily situated north of the Vindhya Range, east of Pakistan's Central Makran Range, and south of the Hindu Kush region.
  • Origin: Begins at Lake Rakshastal in southwestern Tibet at over 15,000 feet (4,600 meters).
  • Trans-Himalayan Flow: One of three rivers from the Tibetan Plateau crossing the Himalayan ranges (others: Indus, Brahmaputra).
  • Course:
    • Enters India through Shipki La Pass, Himachal Pradesh, at 6,608 meters.
    • Flows through Punjab near Nangal and meets the Beas River.
    • Forms a 105 km segment of the India-Pakistan border.
    • Continues 350 km to join the Chenab River, ultimately forming the Panjnad, which flows into the Indus.

  • Length: Total length of 1,550 km, with 529 km in Pakistan.
  • Hydrology: Fed by spring and summer snowmelt in the Himalayas and the South Asian monsoon.
  • Main Tributaries: Baspa, Spiti, Nogli Khad, and Soan River.

Key Projects:

  • Bhakra Dam (1,000 MW)

  • Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Plant (1,000 MW)

  • Nathpa Jhakri Dam (1,530 MW)

Indus Waters Treaty: Allocates Sutlej River water to India under the 1960 treaty.


Rare Eurasian Otter discovered in Pune District for the first time during rescue mission - Indian Express 

A rescue operation conducted by the Pune Forest Department and RESQ Charitable Trust has revealed a rare Eurasian Otter in Indapur, Pune District, a species previously unrecorded in this area.


New Wasp species found in Nagaland - Indian Express 

In a groundbreaking discovery for Indian entomology, researchers have identified a new species of aphid wasp, Arpactophilus pulawskii, in Nagaland’s Khuzama district. This marks the first recorded presence of the genus Arpactophilus outside Australasia, putting the region in the global spotlight for biological research.

Arpactophilus pulawskii

  • Description: New species of aphid wasp, preys on aphids.
  • Discovery: Found in Khuzama, Nagaland, at an altitude of over 1,800 meters.
  • Geographic Significance: First record of Arpactophilus genus outside Australasia.
  • Morphology: Notable variations in body length and head shape; unique square-shaped head with an inverted V-shaped clypeus and rust-colored markings.
  • Thorax: Distinctive textured thorax.
  • Nesting Behavior: Females use abdominal silk to create protective cells in termite galleries or mud nests, indicating social behavior.


Science and Tech 


The world’s first wood-panelled satellite was launched into space recently to test the reliability of timber as a renewable building material for future space travel. The tiny Japanese spacecraft named LignoSat, was developed by Kyoto University and homebuilder Sumitomo Forestry.



Arrow-3 missile defence system - Indian Express 

Israel's Defence Ministry has begun coordinating joint preparations with the German Federal Ministry of Defence for the initial deployment of Israel's Arrow-3 missile interception system on German soil in 2025.

Arrow-3 Missile Defence System

  • Purpose: Exo-atmospheric anti-ballistic missile defense system for long-range threats.
  • Development: Jointly developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and the US Missile Defence Agency.
  • Deployment: First deployed in 2017 as part of Israel’s air-defense network, including Arrow 2, David’s Sling, and Iron Dome.
  • Design: Two-stage, solid-fueled interceptors for engaging short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.
  • Range and Speed: Hypersonic speed (five times the speed of sound) with a 2,400 km range and interception altitude of 100 km.
  • Components: Includes a launcher, radar, and battle management system.
  • Capabilities:
    • Early warning and fire control radar
    • Extended-range and multi-target acquisition and tracking
  • Hit-to-Kill Technology: Destroys incoming missiles by direct impact.
  • Process:
    • Vertical launch, direction adjusted to interception point
    • High-resolution electro-optical sensor guides the kill vehicle to hit and destroy the target warhead


