India at the UN Futures Summit: An Advocate for Peace, Global South
Indian Express
India has the greatest stake in any collective, global envisioning of a perfect future for humanity. This is reflected in the Pact for the Future (PFF), the Declaration on Future Generations (DFG), and the Global Digital Compact (GDC) adopted at the UN Summit of the Future on September 23.
Key Takeaways
- UN Summit on the Future
- The Summit provided a framework for collective action toward a more equitable and sustainable global order.
- While the outcome document is aspirational, the real challenge lies in translating these ideals into action by encouraging nations to prioritize global cooperation over individual national interests.
- India's Role
- India emerges as a strong advocate for the Global South, pushing for peace and a more inclusive global order.
- The Sanskrit adage "Yad Bhavam, Tad Bhavati" (you become what you believe) symbolizes India’s approach in shaping a future where humanity thrives through unity and belief in collective progress.