Amur Falcon
Environment & Ecology
Amur Falcon
Indian Express
- The Amur Falcon is one of the world's longest-traveling raptors, migrating vast distances during winter.
- They breed in southeastern Siberia and northern China and migrate across India and the Indian Ocean to southern Africa, before returning to Mongolia and Siberia.
Migratory Route
- Covers a distance of 22,000 kilometres, making it one of the longest migratory routes among avian species.
- Named after the Amur River, which forms the border between Russia and China.
Stopover in India
- Doyang Lake, located in Nagaland, serves as a significant stopover for these birds, earning Nagaland the title "Falcon Capital of the World."
Conservation Status
- IUCN Status: Least Concern.
- Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule-IV.
- Illegal trapping and killing during migration, habitat loss due to agricultural practices and land reclamation are major threats to the Amur Falcon.